Sunday, November 20, 2016

When also who thought up pampers

I am infinitely grateful to that Victor Mills, the American chemical engineer of the Procter&Gamblecompany who patented pampers. Especially, when I listen to stories of our mothers about how their children (that is we) wrote on carpets and sofas on a visit as they washed diapers for newborns and used gauze diapers. And about walks on the street in frosty days I in general am silent. We do not even think of what is useful piece children's diapers and as strongly it facilitates to us life. I decided to study history of diapers.

Pampers it only in informal conversation "pampers". It will be more correct than them will call disposable diapers. Let's understand value of this term. The diaper is the type of underwear intended for urine absorption. And you knew that not only children, but also astronauts, assemblers and climbers use diapers?

There are also special pampers for people with various diseases, for example, for bed patients. Such people are simply not able to descend in a toilet whether it bequietly, whether it be more. Here where the assembler descends? It is interesting that only in the Russian-speaking countries diapers for children are called pampers. Because this brand came the first to the market of the CIS and practically forced out fabric diapers for newborns. In other countries diapers are called the word a diaper: in Germany it is Windel, in America – diaper.

Dimensional grid

If you ever bought pampers, then know that the sizes of pampers depend on body weight. There is an approximate dimensional grid to which practically all producers - haggis adhere of Mooney, the Japanese merries diapers.

 SSS (super super small) – 0-3 kg;
 NB (new born) – 2-5 kg;
 Mini (Or S small) – 3-7;
 Midi (M medium) – 7-10
 Maxi (L) 9-18;
Junior (Big) – 15-25;
 Junior Extra (XL) – 16-35;
2XL – 19 kg and more.
I want to focus your attention that a grid approximate. It changes depending on the producer and mission of diapers.

History of pampers: when also who thought up pampers?

People tried and try to do the life comfortable. It concerns also mummies from ancient times. How you think what were the first diapers? Now I will tell you. It were pieces of a skin into inside whom inserts from Mocha, wool or flax were inserted such to themselves. They perfectly absorbed moisture.

Something like modern pampers appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. It were knitted pants with filling from soft wool. In general they a little in what differed from ancient. And only at the end of the XX century Victor Mills, the engineer of the Procter and Gamble company, guessed to replace wool with superabsorbent.

And now attention – the first disposable diaper appeared in 1956. And as a filler served wood sawdust. Ridiculously, isn't that so? Every year "Pampers" became more and more popular. Still! Somewhere in the seventies game is entered by Huggies firm. At that time the producer of diapers was better known as Kimberly Clark, the manufacturing company of paper.

To us their began to deliver in the ninetieth. Were the first as you already  understand, diapers of the Pampers brand, then "Huggies", and then "Libero" and the others. At present there are 27 brands of diapers. And since the beginning 2000 many companies work on the invention of reusable. Let's look what from this will leave.

Here such here history of pampers. Generally, I want to tell thanks to the ancient woman. To the woman who looked for children prepared to eat, washed clothes, looked after the husband and wanted to find though minute on itself. It is possible after she thought up a diaper, she had couple of excess minutes to bathe in the small river or to rouge cheeks beet, to draw arrows with coal. Generally, to preen feathers and to please the hunter's husband. Thanks to you, ancient woman! And you use pampers? What pampers it is better, in your opinion? It would be interesting to hearyour reviews of diapers.

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